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Další informace o přednášejícím

Sébastien Noël




Sébastien Noël is the Senior Director of the Developer, Platform & Evangelism group at Microsoft for the Central & Eastern Europe Area. In his role he supervises the team that handles the marketing and technical evangelism of the Microsoft platform and tools towards Developers, IT professionals, Students, Software vendors and business customers and partners. He has joined Microsoft in 2003 and held a variety of roles including driving the marketing of Windows to all audiences and through all channels across the Central & Eastern Europe Region. Prior to joining Microsoft, he worked at McKinsey & Company for 2.5 years, and for the French industrial group Vallourec in Singapore, Paris and Saint-Louis, MO in the USA. Sébastien holds a MBA from the Harvard Business School and an Engineering degree from Ecole Centrale Paris.

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