Pobočka Praha

V Praze pořádáme zhruba jednu přednášku měsíčně z oblasti IT PRO a jednu přednášku měsíčně pro vývojáře. Přednášky probíhají v budově Microsoftu BB Centrum Delta v sálu Praha. Kapacita sálu je okolo 150 lidí.


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Další informace o akci

Unlocking the Potential of AI & A gentle introduction to Deep Learning

We’re excited to invite you to our community meetup with Henk Boelman and Laurent Bugnion, Cloud Advocates at Microsoft. This is a unique opportunity to explore the latest innovations from Microsoft with Henk Boelman in the realm of artificial intelligence. Then Laurent Bugnion will guide us through the basics of Deep Learning in a way that’s accessible for all software developers.
Unlocking the Potential of AI
Artificial intelligence is rapidly changing the world we live in, and Microsoft is at the forefront of this exciting revolution. Join us for a session where we'll explore the latest innovation from Microsoft on AI.
Let's explore the latest technologies, including the latest advancements with Large Language Models from OpenAI. We'll also discuss the importance of developing AI in a way that benefits society as a whole.
Don't miss this opportunity to learn and discover how you can leverage AI to drive innovation in your own organization.

A gentle introduction to Deep Learning
Artificial intelligence relies on a few mathematical principles that can seem scary when you look at them from a distance. But if you take a step by step approach, you will find that the math involved is not too complex and that any software developer can understand the basics. In this session, Laurent Bugnion, a Cloud Advocate working with Microsoft will share his recent journey discovering the basics of Deep Learning. We will not make data scientists out of you, but we will enable you to understand what people talk about when they mention artificial intelligence. We will see how Azure can help you with tools, services and machines. Last but not least, we will also have a discussion about the ethics of AI and what we should be careful about.

Datum a místo konání:

19.9.2023 od 18:00 do 20:30
pobočka: Praha
přednášející: Henk Boelman, Laurent Bugnion

Registrace na akci

ze 155
potvrzených registrací
na čekací listině
zamítnutých registrací

Ohodnoťte akci

Obsah přednášky (94 %)
Praktické ukázky (94 %)
Kvalita přednášky (96 %)
Přednáškové prostory (98 %)
Organizace akce (94 %)
celková úspěšnost akce: 95%
hlasovalo 12 lidí

Soubory ke stažení

4539kB, staženo 305x
11kB, staženo 190x
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