Design Pattern Automation with PostSharp
Máme tu čest na WUGu znovu přivítat zakladatele společnosti PostSharp pana Gaela Fraiteura s jeho druhou přednáškou, která se zaměřuje na automatizaci návrhových vzorů a představení nástroje PostSharp. Přednáška bude vedena v angličtině.
17:00 - 17:10 - Představení WUGu
17:10 - 18:30 - 1. část přednášky
18:30 - 18:45 - Přestávka a občerstvení
18:45 - 20:00 - 2. část přednášky
20:00 - Diskuze
Part 1. Design Pattern Automation.
Design patterns are now universally accepted. Although they significantly improved the way we design software, they had relatively little impact on how we implement it. Except rare exceptions like the ‘using’ or ‘lock’ keywords, most patterns must still be implemented by hand, resulting in large quantities of boilerplate code that must be validated by peer review. However, smarter compilers and development tools could do a better job by automatically implementing part of the pattern and automatically validating the other part that has been implemented manually. This talk advocates for a better integration of pattern thinking in the whole development cycle. It discusses how design pattern automation is possible today in .NET using PostSharp, FxCop, and Nemerle.
Part 2. PostSharp Walkthrough.
The second part of this evening will be less structured. We’ll go through discussions and demoes of PostSharp itself according to questions and interest of the audience.