A Fundamental Formula for Microservices using Docker
"Microservces are small services with independent lifecycles that work together" - Sam Newman.
In this talk I’ll be presenting some core principles I think represent what makes microservices work well using Docker.
Přednáška bude v angličtině.
POZOR: Přednáška se bude konat v konferenčním sále Morava.
ATTENTION: The lecture will be held in the conference hall Morava.
After a brief introduction of what microservices are and why they are important, we’ll spend the bulk of the time looking at how BDD, CQRS, and Event Sourcing coupled with modern CI/CD techniques can help you deploy containers to a Docker swarm in any cloud. We’ll explore best practices, code, and tooling to get the job done right.
I’d say that beginners will get a sense of what microservices are and what makes different, whereas more experienced practitioners will get an insight into practical advice into how to implement them.
Čas konce přednášky je pouze orientační.